Aug 22, 2019 | Videos, Zapper FAQ
We have transcribed the wording of the video “What is a Dr. Hulda Clark Zapper” below. You can see the video here. Note that the AutoZap 5 Fast Zapper is the new model, while the Zapper described below is now discontinued along with the copper pipes....
Sep 10, 2018 | Technical Details, Videos, Zapper FAQ
This is the transcription of the video from Arthur Doerksen “Isn’t a higher voltage going to do a better job of Zapping?” “…. the short answer to that is “No.” The explanation is that the zapper does not kill parasites, the zapper just...
Jun 29, 2018 | Videos, Zapper FAQ
Here is the transcript of the YouTube video “Should I get a Programmable Zapper?” by Arthur Doerksen I got a question from a mother in Australia today saying “What about the best zapper for me. I have a 2-year old with a problem. What is the best...
Jun 15, 2018 | Videos, Zapper FAQ
Here is the transcript of the YouTube video “Can I use the Zapper if I have Metal in my Teeth”? which has been edited for the purposes of this post. “I’d like to answer a frequently asked question. People say “What about if I have metal in my teeth?...
Jun 14, 2018 | Hulda Clark, Lifestyle, The Body and Disease, Videos
Here is the transcript of our YouTube video Does the Hulda Clark Zapper Kill Parasites? edited for this post. Now the short answer to that is “no” although I know Dr. Clark wrote in her first book “The Cure For All Diseases” where she mentioned it, that it did...