Apr 19, 2011 | Technical Details, Zappicator
Hi Zapper Experts, Should I remove all metal from my body when using the SuperZappicator? Or is some metal OK, for example metal fillings? Thanks. –R. I do not take off my titanium watch or gold wedding ring, but if you are wearing something magnetic it should...
Apr 18, 2011 | The Body and Disease, Zappicator
I just bought the Zapper for my son-in-law. He was diagnosed with lymes last September, but we believe he has had the disease for at least three years. He has been on two courses of oral antibiotics back-to-back and then IV treatment for the month of February. No...
Apr 12, 2011 | Lifestyle, The Body and Disease, Zappicator
Hi Arthur, Hope all’s well with you. I’m trying to zappicate my entire face with the two zappicator boxes, to get rid of a sinus infection / flu, and to treat acne. But it’s very precarious trying to balance the boxes without squashing my face. I’m trying pillows, but...
Apr 7, 2011 | Zapper FAQ, Zappicator
Hi, I just returned from the grocery store and zappicated 2 bags of groceries. I always check to remove cans or anything metal, but there were 3 cans of tomato sauce in 1 bag. Now we were worried the metal messed up the polarity of the food in that bag, or worse,...
Feb 18, 2011 | Troubleshooting, Zappicator
Arthur, I have three very sick girls and my SuperZappicator is broken. We have to move the zappicator plug into different positions to get the green light to come on.. Is this something I can fix myself if you send me a new one or tell me what part to buy? If not, do...
Feb 15, 2011 | Lifestyle, Technical Details, The Body and Disease, Zappicator
Hi, I have borrelia (Lyme disease), so I want to zap it directly but I am pregnant… and on your website I found information about possibility of using the zapper during pregnancy. My understanding is that it may not be advisable to use it during pregnancy since...
Feb 11, 2011 | Technical Details, The Body and Disease, Zapper FAQ, Zappicator
Hi, I own one of your zappers and really like it. I was wondering if you could answer two questions for me? First, when using the SuperZappicator you are suposed to keep it away from metal – but how far? Second, when using the AutoZap 5 to harden teeth and...
Feb 10, 2011 | Technical Details, Zappicator
I have one of your older zappers with the Super Zappicator. I am interested in your newer, faster version and was wondering if the Super Zappicator that comes with the Deluxe set is the same as the one I have (approx. 5-8 years). Thanks much. T.J. Dear T.J., We have...
Jan 17, 2011 | The Body and Disease, Zapper FAQ, Zappicator
Hello, Well, my husband and I finally watched the DVD and used the AutoZap 5 for the first time last night. Impressive! We each did 5 minutes on the wrist and ankles and then each used the Zappicator on our abdomens as we both have been having stomach issues. A few...
Jan 16, 2011 | The Body and Disease, Zapper FAQ, Zappicator
Question – does the Zappicator affect the gut flora (good bacteria) in the bowel? I have read that the Zappicator neutralizes parasites, bacteria, and viruses… I’m curious if putting all foods on the Zappicator makes it a non-issue? thanks 🙂 ...