We fully support kids zapping using the AutoZap 5 Hulda Clark Zapper.  Here are a few comments supporting our views on children and their ability to zap, and when we see it can be helpful.

A family all shares the same germs

When one person in the family gets a bug, it often passes through the whole family, small and large. Someone gets the runs or the upset stomach, and everyone seems to get it. Often it begins when the kids catch something at school or with friends. This is the perfect time to get out the zapper and everyone gets their turn to use it. Kids, grandparents, parents can all benefit from taking their turn with the Zapper when under physical stress.

Kids Can Zap Demo

On this page, see our Zapper QuickStart for Kids video. See how a 5-year old sets up the AutoZap 5 zapper for herself, and gets started on her own. 

How old can a child be to Zap?

We recommend any child around 2 years old, or anyone over 25 pounds will do well with the AutoZap 5 zapper. We have seen children zap successfully for many years. Now with the creative accessories we have, it is even easier and more fun for kids. Dr. Clark recommended against zapping in pregnancy, even though many have done it. We support wise use of zapping technology and kids are part of that. Even our small pets under 5 pounds can zap.

When should Children Zap?

Zapping is a smart option for kids especially when they do these types of activities – digging in the dirt and putting their hands in their mouth, being in public places where hundreds of hands have been such as a public washroom, using public gym equipment, change rooms, visiting hospitals, zoo or when pets are licking kids, LICE exposure,  out camping and exposed to different water, and especially bug and flu season.

We hope this helps!