Pet owners are the best ones to decide what is best for their pet. We have experienced and observed small and large dogs, horses, and birds become introduced to the AutoZap 5. Tiny dogs and birds should use the Zappicator method which is described below.
Using the Zapper with your Pet
In this section, I am referring primarily to large, medium and small dogs and cats as the furry pets, not horses or birds. We have seen an adaptation of this used for horses.
There are challenges when beginning your zapping journey with your pets and here are some of them:
- Your pet has fur. Getting your zapper frequency to the skin, through the fur, is the challenge.
- If your pet doesn’t sit still, zapping a moving target will be your challenge. I have seen them run away and refuse to be caught for one reason or another.
- Pets often sense when something is different or new. Sometimes pets are anxious, or sometimes just plain active. Hopefully yours will be happy to lay there and go to sleep.
Attaching the zapping pad so it stays in one place is a huge challenge, as pets come in different sizes and could wiggle out of any normal contact point we as humans use – such as holding onto something, placing your feet on something, or using a velcro strap.
The GOOD NEWS about a pet is that they are honest. They cannot fool you into any outcome or result from their time spent on the Zapper. You or the vet will know that there have been positive results.
In our efforts here at Best Zapper to find a creative solution to reaching the skin through the pets fur, we found that the silicone conductive pads allowed most pets to connect to the zapping frequency.
Need: Pet contacts, tensor elasticized bandage (found in most pharmacies), safety pin for fastening the contacts, and AutoZap 5 zapper.
Note: To do the full pet program, get the Integrated Wellness package that contains the AutoZap 5, Super Zappicator as well as the pet pads. This will give you everything you need for your pet system.
See our video here.
1. You place the conductive silicone pads on the elasticized bandage laid out, and place the pads approx. 3 inches apart (depending on the size of your pet). Pin the corners of the pads in place with the safety pins. The metal will not interfere with the frequency in the pads.
2. Plug the wire pins into each of the pads.
3. Dampen your pets side or belly fur using a sponge to ensure good frequency flow through the fur.
4. Wrap your pet with the bandage making sure to place the pads on either side of the pets sides. Clip the end of the bandage in place. Fold up the Zapper wires, and tuck the AutoZap 5 zapper under the bandage.
5. Press Button A once to activate the 5-minute cycle.
You should see the green SenseAlert light shining when you press the Start button. In 5 minutes your pet will have received their zapping session.
You should consider using the Zappicator method below if you are experiencing trouble in any of the following areas: Pet compliance, Getting a green light on the Sense Alert light due to your pet’s thick fur, or even activity level is high,
Using the Zappicator with your Pet
Small or Tiny Pet (see video)
Place the Zappicator (magnetic attachment to your AutoZap 5) into a cardboard box, and feed the wire outside the box through a hole you create. The plug will be attached to the Zapper outside of the box.
Place your pets blanket or towel on top of the Zappicator, to create as much comfort for your pet as possible. Place your pet into the box trying to keep your pet on top of the Zappicator. Access the green mode on the Zapper – but remember the green SenseAlert light will not be active in this mode. Pets should enjoy at least 15 minutes in the box once a day, or of course more if they need it.
Pet Bird
Place the Zappicator in a plastic bag to keep it clean and place it in the bottom of the bird cage where you think the birds will come into most contact with it, or even fly above it most. Close the door. Remember not to let the birds under it, ONLY fly above it. Turn on the Zappicator setting for 15 minutes and let the birds alone. We have reports that budgie birds respond well to having the Zappicator in their cage.
We hope this helps all pet owners out. Please feel free to connect with us if you have more ideas or even need a little help with your pet’s zapping needs!
The Best Zapper support team