Question 1: Dr Clark talked about the necessity for 3 cycles to kill the adult pathogens followed by a second to kill the young, which were released, followed by a cleanup zap. You don’t talk about that at all. Please explain. -WH Question 2: One of your videos...
Hi, I was just wondering, is the half hour [body zappicator cycle] stronger than the 5 minute zapper cycle when using the wrist bands? It feels stronger to me… so should I be using the half hour zap [body zappicator cycle] with the wrist straps? Answer: Do NOT...
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me back. The zapping is going great!! I’m feeling more energized each day!!! It is amazing, I feel more alert and focused!! How often should I zap after the 21 day ?-M.M. We recommend you use the zapper every day,...
Thank you for your informative website. A question I have about your latest model of zapper and the amount of time zapping. In order to reduce the time zapping this model needs to be different from your previous model. These are my questions. Was the frequency changed...
Hello Arthur. We have been using your AutoZap 5 Zapper in 5-minute intervals. If your 5 minute zap is equivalent to one hour with normal zap, would 4 times of 5 minute zap sessions be equivalent to 4 hours with a regular zapper? And regarding the continuous zapping...