Feb 6, 2018 | The Body and Disease
Question: Will I experience a healing crisis or a detox reaction if I use the zapper? What should I do if I get one? Answer: The natural health approach to treatment of symptoms is through lifestyle changes, stopping bad things, supporting your own body through diet...
Jun 1, 2017 | Technical Details, The Body and Disease, Zapper FAQ
Question: I was wondering if the zapper can be used on me, because I have stainless steel rods and screws in my spine. Actually, two 8 inch rods and 17 screws. I’m hoping to use the Zapper because I have chronic Lymes co-infections since a blood transfusion...
May 13, 2017 | The Body and Disease
Question: Hello, I was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease. Do any of the zappers on your website treat this? Thank you. – MR Answer: Hello. First of all, we’re not medical professionals and cannot diagnose, prescribe or treat anything. With that in...