Aug 11, 2017 | Technical Details, Zapper FAQ
Question: How many frequencies are on the zapper? Answer: We have several presets that do a lot more than just change frequency because our zapper is more than just a frequency generator. You can learn more about that in this video. Have a great day! Your Best Zapper...
Aug 9, 2017 | The Body and Disease, Zapper FAQ
Question: Are there Instructions for the different frequencies you need for each health problem? Answer: The single frequency (or frequencies) we have in the Auto Zap 5 is all it takes. Please see our post on the list of health problems for which the zapper is...
Aug 9, 2017 | The Body and Disease, Zapper FAQ
Question: Can you give me a list of ailments/detoxifying/general health maintenance for which this machine is suitable? Answer: Our best answer for different ailments and accompanying frequencies can be found in this video: Because we are not doctors, and do not...