Mar 12, 2018 | Technical Details, Zapper FAQ
Question: Would you please explain why I don’t need specific frequency settings when the other products all target specific issues with certain frequencies? Answer: The frequency issue is a confusing one for several reasons so we made a short video explaining...
Aug 11, 2017 | Technical Details, Zapper FAQ
Question: How many frequencies are on the zapper? Answer: We have several presets that do a lot more than just change frequency because our zapper is more than just a frequency generator. You can learn more about that in this video. Have a great day! Your Best Zapper...
Aug 9, 2017 | The Body and Disease, Zapper FAQ
Question: Can you give me a list of ailments/detoxifying/general health maintenance for which this machine is suitable? Answer: Our best answer for different ailments and accompanying frequencies can be found in this video: Because we are not doctors, and do not...
Feb 15, 2011 | Lifestyle, Technical Details, The Body and Disease, Zappicator
Hi, I have borrelia (Lyme disease), so I want to zap it directly but I am pregnant… and on your website I found information about possibility of using the zapper during pregnancy. My understanding is that it may not be advisable to use it during pregnancy since...
Aug 21, 2010 | Technical Details
I have a LCD ZAPPER 2006 but I need the Chips (Program Drivers) to program the correct frequencies. Where can I purchase these? – R.T. Dear R.T., This is a two-part answer which we think will serve you best. First of all, if you choose to continue using your old...