QUESTION: On the Zappicator mode please specify which frequencies this program uses: original Hulda Clarke ones, the same as the Fast Zap, or different ones? ANSWER: This answer will cover how you can quickly access all Best Zapper information on the Zappicator. Our...
This post is a quick summary of the use of the Zapper and Zappicator if you have metal in your body. This could be metal in the teeth, metal valve, foreign object such as screws pins, stents, crowns, implants, etc. Zapper The zapper will not conflict with any type...
Question: What is a Zappicator? Answer: This video will explain what you need to know about the zappicator. Have a great day! The Best Zapper Team (
Question: Is it safe to use the Zappicator on the belly (stomach) while pregnant, in the third trimester? Answer: We do not recommend you use the zappicator directly on the belly while pregnant. We believe you can use it on your arms, legs or head, but not directly...
Question: Hi! I have your Best Zapper Integrated Wellness System and was wondering if I can use it if I am breastfeeding my baby? Of course not while breastfeeding 🙂 I have been grinding my teeth so want to start with using the zappicator on my face. Thanks! L...
Question: Can Pets use the Super Zappicator? Answer: Yes, the zappicator is perfectly suited for use with your pets. The Zappicator is the magnetic accessory powered by the zapper. It is silent and the animal will not be aware it is even there. The Zappicator is...
Hi, I was just wondering, is the half hour [body zappicator cycle] stronger than the 5 minute zapper cycle when using the wrist bands? It feels stronger to me… so should I be using the half hour zap [body zappicator cycle] with the wrist straps? Answer: Do NOT...
I already have both the AutoZap zapper and the Zappicator of yours bought long ago. I love them both. I was delighted to see a video on Vimeo of you showing the tooth zapper, but I do not see where on your website I can purchase that part alone.Will you show me where...
Arthur, I have your new zapper (the AutoZap 5 and Zappicator) plus the wide-band straps for Zapping. I have been asked for help by a woman who has stumps for legs, with non-healing ulcers. I want to set her up for Zapping except that the regular wide-band straps that...
Hi Zapper Experts, Should I remove all metal from my body when using the SuperZappicator? Or is some metal OK, for example metal fillings? Thanks. –R. I do not take off my titanium watch or gold wedding ring, but if you are wearing something magnetic it should...