Testing the Zappicator for North Orientation Stability
Question: How do you test the Black Box for food zappicating for North orientation. The regular food zappicators can change to South orientation when you put HOT items on it. Does your Black Box also change to South orientation if put Hot food on it? How do you test
Answer: Thank you for reaching out with your question regarding our Zappicator and its behaviour when hot items are placed on it.
Firstly, I’d like to clarify a misconception about magnets and their polarity. Typically, magnets do not change their orientation or polarity temporarily due to temperature changes from everyday use, such as placing hot food on them. The magnetic properties of a material can only be altered permanently if the material is heated above its Curie temperature—a threshold that is significantly higher than any temperatures encountered in typical culinary applications. Temporary polarity reversal would be highly unusual in any material.
The BestZapper Zappicator’s design ensures consistent performance regardless of whether you place cold or hot items on it. This stability is due to the robust nature of the magnets used, which are engineered to withstand normal conditions without altering their magnetic orientation.
To test the Black Box for North orientation stability:
1. Place a compass near the Zappicator and note its reading when no food is present.
2. Place a hot item on the Zappicator and observe if there’s any change in the compass reading.
3. Allow the item to cool down, remove it, and check the compass again.
If the orientation remains consistent throughout these steps, your Zappicator is functioning as intended.