Question: What is Leg Zapping and how do I do it?
Answer: Leg Zapping is a way to zap that will keep zapper current out of the torso of the body. This will prevent possible problems with the new CD and “smart pacemaker” devices, and with zapping during pregnancy. Dr. Clark says that the idea with zapping is to put the tiny zapper current through a maximum of blood flow, to energize the white blood cells efficiently.
Dr. Clark recommends against using the zapper during pregnancy, or if you have a pacemaker. Use the “Leg Zapping” method for safe zapping during pregnancy and with “smart pacemakers” and ICD’s.
I believe the safest way for those with ICD’s or “smart” pacemakers to zap effectively is to use a footpad on one foot, with a conductive band (or modified foot pad) around the calf or thigh of the same leg to keep the zapper current out of the torso completely. This causes the current to intersect the major flow of the large leg arteries. If “leg zapping” is not possible, a similar approach could be used with an arm, preferably the right arm.
We hope this helps,
The support team