Here is the transcript of our YouTube video Does the Hulda Clark Zapper Kill Parasites? edited for this post.
Now the short answer to that is “no” although I know Dr. Clark wrote in her first book “The Cure For All Diseases” where she mentioned it, that it did electrocute parasites. But further research by her and others confirm that actually that’s not how it works.
The mechanism really is that the zapper wakes up your own amazing self-healing body. It wakes up your own white blood cells. Did you know that your immune system is made up of over 50 different kinds of white blood cells that are so smart that they can identify toxins and pathogens, bacteria and viruses that they’ve never seen before and they can form a defense against them so that if they ever see them again they’ll kill them instantly, and they get it right the first time too, most of the time it’s just amazing. And the zapper’s job with its tiny little pulses of current is just to wake up those white blood cells.
Now, they need to be waked up because they have been put to sleep, many of them, by toxins in our air and water and food. So that’s why you need the zapper in this modern age. If we were living back in the boonies, away from all the modern conveniences and toxins, you probably wouldn’t need it in nearly the same way, but in our modern world the zapper’s tiny current just wakes up those white blood cells and they go out and aggressively do their job. They work very quickly, and I would just encourage you to try it out.
The simplicity of the zapper, because it wakes up your own immune system you don’t have to tune it, it’s automatic, you don’t have to fool around with diagnosing yourself and trying to select some frequency or anything. Just wake up your own defenders, turn them loose, they’ll do the job just great.