Question: Does the Zapper eliminate the need for the Herbal Parasite cleansing or not?
Answer: We recommend doing the herbal parasite cleanse along with the Zapper, and do not feel the Zapper eliminates the need for doing it. The herbal parasite cleanse actually complements the whole protocol, and goes hand in hand with the Zapper.
The herbal parasite cleanse is not an ongoing cleanse, but it is done periodically according to the Hulda Clark protocol. For prevention and over the long term we recommend using the Zapper. We also recommend using the zapper before going on the Liver cleanse, while traveling, and for needs that arise.
Personally, we began with Dr. Clark before the zapper was introduced, so our first and basic step was to start with the Herbal Parasite Program.
We have not strayed from that, especially as we do not sell the Zapper as a parasite machine. Our customer feedback is found at Search for parasites to see what people are reporting.
The other Hulda Clark cleanses are also essential for anyone following the Hulda Clark protocol, especially the liver and kidney cleanses. Go to and click on the Hulda Clark Cleanses section from the top menu. We have many of those cleanses right there for our people. Refer to Dr. Clark’s books for full details on this.
We hope this helps,
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