What is a Mystery Disease?
We see new mystery diseases steadily appearing , such as morgellons disease, autoimmune diseases, allergies of all kinds, various pain syndromes, and symptoms that baffle the doctors appearing as lyme disease and chronic fatigue.
These manifest with hyper-sensitivity and hyper-allergy symptoms. We have also seen forms of parasitic infestations that invade the body to such an extent that people cannot humanly handle the pain and destruction that these diseases cause.
We believe such conditions can be caused from a variety of things such as mold, GMO foods, heavy metal toxicity, poisons on foods we consume, poisons in our air, exposure to a greater variety of insects and invaders through faster travel, and even overconsumption or allergy to gluten, or other food-related issue, and the list goes on. The food we eat now directly impacts us more than we like to think.
Medical treatment involves prescription medications, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, chemotherapy drugs, etc. When these fail to give answers, people begin searching in the direction of alternative, herbal, and complementary remedies. Drug therapy can help with symptoms for a time, but they do not cure any disease. And one must consider the implications of possible liver damage or damage to other organs of your body.
The Hulda Clark Protocol for a Mystery Disease
Hulda Clark’s protocol of body cleansing, parasite cleansing, diet revamping and support using the AutoZap 5 zapper are very important. We support cleansing the liver first, cleansing parasites, and following the Hulda Clark method is where everyone should begin, regardless of what their body is facing.
Please go to www.HuldaClarkActionPlan.com for getting started immediately on the Hulda Clark Method. You will receive our updates and ways you can improve your health naturally. You will probably begin with a Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse, clean up your home of ALL toxic chemicals, and all of this information is available to you. You should get a Zapper and begin zapping daily.
We are not doctors, and do not diagnose and cure disease. But we are ready to help you in following the Hulda Clark method if you decide to get started with us.
The Best Zapper Team
P.S. Go to www.DrClarkTools.com for Hulda Clark’s books and cleanse products. www.ZapperStories.com gives you customer feedback of those who have used our Hulda Clark Zapper and Zappicator for all kinds of health situations they have faced.
P.P.S. The supplement we recommend for any mystery issue is Black Oxygen. See the 3-minute overview. Contact Lyn for more info.