Arthur, I have your new zapper (the AutoZap 5 and Zappicator) plus the wide-band straps for Zapping.
I have been asked for help by a woman who has stumps for legs, with non-healing ulcers. I want to set her up for Zapping except that the regular wide-band straps that I have are not long enough to wrap around her stumps (the straps are only long enough to wrap around the wrists, as you know, and they don’t extend).
Do you have, or know where I can get, some longer wide-band straps to help this woman heal?
If not available anywhere, could your manufacturer make a customized longer pair for wrapping around legs (longer than just for narrow ankles)?
There is a whole new market out there for thousands of diabetics with non-healing diabetic-induced (poor leg circulation) leg ulcers so it would be worthwhile for the manufacturer to enter this new market, right?
Some ankles are so swollen, they need quite a long strap even for them, let alone the larger leg itself. And many diabetics have had amputations, so the stumps are quite a long distance around, being the upper leg.
Variable length would be best, obviously.
–Dr. J.M.
Dear Dr. M,
Please see this video on an easy way to extend the SuperStraps zapper electrodes using an elastic Ace bandage.
To use the zapper with diabetic problems, I believe it is not really necessary to use the straps on the affected limb or limbs, because the zapper works primarily by waking up the white blood cells, and they go wherever the blood flows. For the ulcers, I personally would use the SuperZappicator topically for the limbs, in addition to aggressive zapping. We have a special deal on now which includes TWO SuperZappicators with the AutoZap 5 zapper, you can do both legs at once. We have had good reports from folks using the zapper and SuperZappicator for diabetic neuropathy as well.