First of all thanks so much for the info you’ve uploaded! It’s much more welcoming to actually see the person behind the Best Zapper products!
I have a (generic) Hulda Clark zapper and have only just discovered your range of zappers now 🙁
I’m just wondering if you think it’s safe to zap around the face (i have a facial skin infection). Or would this process be too risky with the eyes and brain?
Any help at all would be much appreciated (as the manufacturer of my current zapper hasn’t helped since our transaction was completed :().
Thanks! God bless! 🙂 Mel
Hello Mel,
Have you ever seen the picture of the Iceberg? The tip of the iceberg is visible, but below the water surface you see the massive biggest part of the iceberg. That is what skin infections really are – the small visible part is on your face, but the worst part is inside your body.
Skin infections are not normal, but something in the body is dealing with and trying to eliminate. Dr. Clark wrote about skin infections and acne are often caused by bacteria and various kinds and stages of parasites (Trichinella, Ascaris from pets, or Strongyloides in the skin). Your body’s greatest need right now is detoxification.
To adequately deal with skin infections, she recommended the parasite cleanse and electronic parasite cleanse (Zapper) for killing parasites, and also recommended the kidney and liver cleanses. We recommend colon cleansing also. When the systems of your body are doing their own job, infections and toxicity in the body can clear up. Your face should clear up too.
Zapping will aid in detoxing there is good blood flow. We recommend using the fast zap 5-minute session once or twice a day, and use the gloves or wrist straps with it. You do not need to zap around your face. Do the liver and kidney cleanses and see how your skin looks.
The Best Zapper team
PS We are not doctors, and we do not treat, diagnose or cure disease. We encourage everyone to search for answers to their health problems, and to consult their own trusted professional.