Question: I am writing because I find myself with a severe infestation of something I acquired in the summer……….. I live across from a park that had a lot of standing water. Whatever this infestation is, I feel is caused by this extremely wet weather – the house I was renting became overrun with these little buggers that you cannot see but certainly feel biting you! They are in everything (shoes, clothes, books, etc) and everywhere in me (scalp, eyes, ears, throat, armpits, groin, feet, knees, etc). I am hoping another client may have had a similar situation that you are aware of that may help me be rid of them completely. I have taken 1 dose of ivermectin without 100% success thus far and just took my second yesterday. My feeling is there is more than one thing going on…… mold is in all the window frames but so is gadfly, collembola, and mites. I have taken to using the zapper on a super long zap by repeatedly starting it to get 7min x 5 then allowing the full cycle to run. It is helping but not eradicating. Any advice/insight would be much appreciated.
Answer: Your situation sounds horrific, with bugs that you can’t see. Definitely move from your rental place as you must rid your body of constant re infestation.
Keep using the Zapper. We have heard positive results with people with Morgellons disease, which involves mysterious bites and mites that are invisible to the eye.
“Insects are made up of a high concentration of protein. When Kleen Green is introduced to the insect, the enzymes act and can cause the insect to molt (shed its outer coating) prematurely. Poison pesticides attack the nervous system of the insect, which is not always effective. University research has noted that some insects have developed a resistance to poison based products. This revolutionary product is now available to the general consumer. Preformed enzymes have been used widely in restaurant and institutional settings for the last ten years, due to their low toxicity and superior cleaning properties. They are also becoming widely accepted in the field of pest cleaning as enzymes leave no toxic residues and the enzymatic effect on the insect exoskeleton is quick and safe. SAFE for Gardens, Plants, Ponds and around children and pets!”
Re infestation can happen rapidly especially when going to public places, hotels, public washrooms etc. Make a hand sanitizer from a dilution of Kleen Green and carry it with you.