Question: My AutoZap 5 is having a problem. It keeps making two little sounds mid-cycle each time I use it. Can you please give me a call so that we can figure out what needs to be done,? Thank you, MN
Answer: Thank you for reaching out. We will definitely give you a call. As for the random tones you hear, that is the low battery beep telling you to change the batteries. Please see the FAQ page at to get the details on changing the batteries and the reset required. After inserting new batteries, you must wait for 15 minutes before pressing start. If you forget you may have to remove the batteries and start again.
What cycle have you been typically using? The red fast-zap cycle gives the best battery life. The yellow continuous cycle does use more battery power. The AutoZap 5 feature that sets it above any other is it’s SenseAlert light, which lets you know that the batteries are running low. You would never know otherwise. Unless you have a battery tester on hand to test before every zapping session. We love the AutoZap 5 for that very reason.
Some people do not hear or notice the low-battery signal, as some people’s hearing cannot pick up fine sounds as readily, or the random tones come at a time when they are listening to other things. If you notice your AutoZap 5 appears dead, for no reason, the battery change is the first thing to do. Please see our FAQ page above for details and answers to other questions you may have.
Outcome: I talked with the owner of this AutoZap 5 Zapper system and she does use the 5-minute fast zap cycle, but also uses the Zappicator (green light) setting a number of times per day on her dogs, and also on various parts of her body including her lungs and liver area. I can see why the batteries may have run low over the last 4 months. She was doing an amazing job of using her device correctly.