This is the transcription of the video from Arthur Doerksen “Isn’t a higher voltage going to do a better job of Zapping?”
“…. the short answer to that is “No.”
The explanation is that the zapper does not kill parasites, the zapper just wakes up your own amazing, self-healing body, and your immune system the white blood cells actually come awake and kill the parasite. So, what we want to do is not kill parasites just by electrical power and destruction but rather wake up your immune system most efficiently, and because of the exquisite sensitivity of our body electrically it doesn’t take very much to do that.
The AutoZap 5 superfast zapper for example, uses 70% less average voltage to do the job in one-twelfth of the time. So we didn’t just crank it up to get it to work faster, we actually dialed it down and used some strategies to connect more efficiently with the immune system to wake up your white blood cells much more efficiently. So that’s the difference, we’re not trying to just bludgeon parasites to death electrically, we are waking up an incredibly sophisticated immune system, and the best way to do that is gently, we don’t want to cause any damage.
So, that’s the short answer, you don’t need more voltage, you need more smarts, you gotta think. Our voltage coming out of the zapper is 10 volts peak-to-peak, it meets Dr. Clark’s specs, but the way we divide it and modulate it gives it much better effectiveness, with much lower average voltage.”