Question: What about a rash from the Velcro Straps?
Introduction and Understanding why your skin is so important The SKIN is the largest organ of our body. The skin holds part of your ‘microbiome’, along with your gut, your mouth, and other areas of the body. This microbiome is host to many organisms, including viruses, parasites, microbes and bacteria that you live with in a harmonious relationship. When you have a good balance of these bacteria you are less likely to succumb to disease and chronic conditions. See my post on the microbiome here, which is a small introduction to the subject, but at least we touch on one of the most significant areas of your health.
The microbiome is hugely important for combating almost every single disease. This includes things like cancer, heart disease, anxiety and depression, leaky gut and all gut issues, allergies, and the list goes on.
This is all to say that the SKIN, which is one of those microbiome organs, is different in every person. Everyone has different ways things affect their skin. Most people do very well with our Velcro superStraps. Occasionally we have someone who develops irritation or a rash. No matter what they do, their body cannot handle it.
What does my Skin have to do with it? Everybody has different skin types depending on where you live, age, and the condition of your health and vitality.
Some people are chronically dehydrated. Some have more aged dry skin, and some are more sweaty and some do not sweat. There are many skin types.
This ultimately affects how your velcro straps act as a frequency conductor for zapping. And that is why I believe some people seem more prone to irritation when using the Velcro Straps.
We have specially designed our 2 inch straps with adequate surface area, to minimize problems with sensitive people.
What can I do to lessen skin irritation?
- Keep hydrated and drink lots of water. This will affect your skin and hopefully you will experience less irritation.
- The Fast-Zap 5-minute AutoZap 5 cycle is the BEST mode for minimizing any velcro strap issues. Use this cycle instead of the hour-long cycle, or even the Classic Zap cycle (interval).
- Make sure the straps are sprayed with a fine spray of water.
- Place the Velcro Straps higher up from your wrist (2 inches up your arm), where you have more flesh and less wristbones.
- Use the Velcro Straps on your two ankles (2 inches up from your ankles), to allow rotation.
- Use your Velcro Straps as footpads. Lay them flat on the floor, spray with a fine spray of water, and place your feet on them. Alternately, place your hands on them.
- Watch the SenseAlert light to make sure the connection is good, and the green light is shining when you try different positions of the straps on your body. Note that the straps should not be touching, nor both hands on one wrist band.
We also have Silicone Foot Pads, which are two flat silicone strips for use with your feet or hands. These do not need to be sprayed with water and always have a great connection for using the AutoZap 5. Please see our other posts on the advantages of the different options we have – gloves, silicone footpads, or velcro straps. Or see our short video where Lyn outlines the different accessory options at this time.
We hope these ideas help.
The Best Zapper support team.