Question: Is the zapper safe if I am pregnant?
Quick Answer: Dr. Clark recommends against using the zapper during pregnancy, or if you have a pacemaker. To zap safely during pregnancy, use the “Leg Zapping” method. See the special “Leg Zapping” information below for safely zapping with “smart pacemakers” and ICD’s.
Detailed Answer: Dr. Clark in her book “The Cure for All Diseases” from page 106-119 discourages anyone from killing parasites while pregnant.
On page 119 in the section “Is it safe to kill parasites if you might be pregnant?” Dr. Clark writes: “The electronic way of killing parasites is safe if you use a frequency generator (zapper). The frequencies of parasites and bacteria are far away from human frequencies. The treatment with each frequency is short. There are no side effects. The zapper has not been tested and should not be used during pregnancy. The herbal way of killing parasites has been used by pregnant women without bad effects but this is not enough safeguard. I recommend waiting until the baby is born if at all possible. The treatment is long and intense. The growing baby is exposed continuously to herbs. Perhaps this is preferable to the toxins produced by parasites. You must use your own judgment. Obviously it is wiser to take a chance on herbs than to take a chance on inheriting AIDS or ‘genetic’ diseases.”
This was written in 1995, and over 20 years have passed, with many people using the zapper and the herbal parasite program during pregnancy. We have some answers of our own on his question from years of feedback and experience. Here are answers you will appreciate regarding pregnancy and zapping.
Question 1: What is Leg Zapping and how do I do it?
Answer: Leg Zapping is a way to zap that will keep zapper current out of the torso of the body. This will prevent possible problems with the new CD and “smart pacemaker” devices, and with zapping during pregnancy. Dr. Clark says that the idea with zapping is to put the tiny zapper current through a maximum of blood flow, to energize the white blood cells efficiently. I believe the safest way for those with ICD’s or “smart” pacemakers to zap effectively is to use a footpad on one foot, with a conductive band (or modified foot pad) around the calf or thigh of the same leg to keep the zapper current out of the torso completely. This causes the current to intersect the major blow of the large leg arteries. If “leg zapping” is not possible, a similar approach could be used with an arm, preferably the right arm.
Question 2: Hello, I ordered the Super Zappicator from you a while ago. I was using it 2 days ago on my pelvis because I had cramping and now I think I might be pregnant. If I am pregnant, would this have caused harm to my baby (I would only be about 1.5 weeks pregnant).
Answer: There is no risk from the Super Zappicator because the magnetic field from it is only slightly stronger than the magnetic field of the earth itself.
Question 3: Is the zapper ok to use after pregnancy?
Answer: After three months of pregnancy, the zapper is fine to use with wristbands the usual way. Many expectant mothers have used the zapper with fantastic results. No adverse reactions at all have been reported, thanks to the inherently safe design and many unique safeguards built into the Auto Zap 5 zapper.
We hope this helps you. Please send us feedback on what you do with your zapper and how it works out.