Question: Can you give me a list of ailments/detoxifying/general health maintenance for which this machine is suitable?
Answer: Our best answer for different ailments and accompanying frequencies can be found in this video:
Because we are not doctors, and do not diagnose, treat, or cure, we do not make claims or statements on the Zapper as it relates to diseases. Dr. Hulda Clark’s conclusion in her book “The Cure for All Diseases,” in her listing of health issues with the Zapper is that it is an excellent general tonic and prophylactic (preventative) tool. Some of our customer experiences can be found at
Dr. Clark always recommended self-help, urging us to research and try her methods out, and to tell others about it. We are experts in Dr. Clark’s method of removing toxic pollution in the body, the home, and the diet, and in using her technology. Please read all about the zapper at
Get our updated information on the Hulda Clark method at, and begin with her book “The Cure for All Diseases” found here.
Lyn, for the Best Zapper Team