Question 1: Dr Clark talked about the necessity for 3 cycles to kill the adult pathogens followed by a second to kill the young, which were released, followed by a cleanup zap. You don’t talk about that at all. Please explain. -WH
Question 2: One of your videos says that the zapper doesn’t kill the parasites, that it’s your white cells being supercharged and they fight the parasites for you. Why then does Dr. Clark’s book “Cure for all Cancers” on page 51 states ” I find it kills parasites and bacteria wherever that electricity reaches.” Did she miss state that? -BS
Answer: Thank you for your email.
Our Experience with Dr. Clark Thankfully we do have personal experience with Dr. Clark at her clinic, as she helped ill patients using her discoveries on parasites and the Zapper. We spent time in different capacities: as patients getting testing, as personal support to a client at the clinic, and also as fellow researchers in the field of the zapper technology.
Our Observations at Dr. Clark’s Clinic Dr. Hulda Clark spent years researching, and as you know she wrote over 7 books. In each new revision of each book Dr. Clark made slight changes and additions to reflect her latest research at that time. Along with the revisions, Dr. Clark developed new protocols over time with the patients at the clinic. Some is documented in her book updates, and much of the ongoing client protocol is not documented in the books at all.
It is understandable that when you read only one of her books, you would not know this. It would be impossible to wade through her other books for comparison and the more recent updates. It made things challenging for us who were trying to follow Dr. Clark to the letter.
One of those differences was when Dr. Clark used zapping for up to 6-8 hours at one time, during a time when she was also using the “Classic Interval Zapping” you refer to. One would think Dr. Clark would be putting her patients at risk, as parasites would be allowed to replicate etc. Dr. Clark was never one to ever jeopardize her patient’s health, but she had a drive to fine tune this procedure that was giving life-changing results using the Zapper. Although all details of her daily operations at the clinic were not documented, we saw her willingness to adjust something so crucial as the timing of the basic Zapping cycle. It definitely was not written in stone. All changes came in response to new discoveries that Dr. Clark was making over time.
Different Explanation, but Same Results You are correct, that we teach a slightly different underlying mechanism for killing parasites than “The Cure for All Diseases” book teaches. Our founder, Arthur Doerksen, in collaboration with Dr. Clark determined that the Zapper does not actually kill or electrocute parasites, but it works differently in energizing the immune system. See the link to the parasite explanation here under the tab Health & Safety. The theory of how it works may differ, but zapping frequency produces the exact same results.
Even if Dr. Clark had never changed her core belief on the exact mechanism of how parasites were killed – the results from zapping still stand, whatever your belief is.
The AutoZap 5 Zapper Arthur Doerksen developed the 5-minute Zapper as a continuation of the research he had already begun with Dr. Clark. It was a response to the fast paced lifestyle that we live now. In the AutoZap 5 zapper, you will see that the proprietary 5-minute fast zap cycle works for 99% of people who use the zapper. See our link on the 5-minute Zapper here under the “Zapper” tab.
Classic Interval Zapping In addition to the 5-minute mode, we have two other modes which you will be interested in – the interval zapping mode which we call the “Classic Interval Zapping” mode (yellow flashing cycle), and also the 1-hour continuous (yellow steady cycle).
The AutoZap 5 classic interval cycle is automatically timed, and goes like this: 7 minutes on, a break for 21 minutes, another 7 minute on, break for 21 minutes, and a final 7 minutes. You can access that through the yellow flashing cycle.
We hope this helps.