Question: What are footpads? Do you supply them?
Answer: Foot pads are a pair of contact plates for the feet, you need to make yourself, that you can use with your AutoZap 5 zapper. When zapping, you need some form of contact: wrist straps (which come with your AutoZap 5), conductive gloves, copper handholds (no longer supplied), or even foot pads (DIY).
Foot Pads are approximately 3 inches by 12 inches, made from flat sheet metal (22-26 gauge) or even aluminum kitchen foil. They are held by the copper alligator clips to the wires. Fold a paper towel on top of each pad, then dampen them with about a teaspoon of warm water. Place your feet on top of the plates and hit the Start button. Foot pads are an easy choice when using a computer, read, or watch TV. Basically they leave your hands free, so you can do other things while you sit with your feet on the foot pads. See the link below on how to make your own foot pads.
Do you supply foot pads?
No. We do not supply foot pads with the Auto Zap 5 because they cost more to ship than to obtain at a local sheet metal shop. See our video on making your own foot pads here.
We hope this helps.
The Best Zapper Team