Question:  What is a Hulda Clark Zapper? 

Answer:  A “zapper” is defined by Dr. Hulda Clark as a battery operated DC pulse (positive offset) generator with an output amplitude of 5 to 10 volts (open circuit) and a frequency between 10 Hz and 500 KHz (10 to 500,000 pulses per second), with a current limited output and a 0.25 volt constant offset.

The AutoZap 5 zapper puts out 2500 DC pulses per second with full 9 volt battery voltage, through a 1000 ohm current limiting resistor.

The AutoZap 5 Hulda Clark zapper is a safe, effective tool to wake up your amazing immune system. You cannot feel its gentle output pulses, but your body knows exactly what to do.

We hope this helps,

The Best Zapper team  at

P.S.  Join us at to get started immediately on the Hulda Clark protocol, and find out the 3 easy steps to getting started.   See you there!