I had an older zapper 2 years ago and gave it away. The new one looks complex! Is there a way I can get the older model?
Arthur Answers:
Do you have one of our AutoZap Pro zappers, with two pushbuttons on top and two green lights, and copper pipes?
If so, you will be pleased to know that the AutoZap 5 is also very easy to operate, reliable, efficient and super-fast. In just five minutes it can do a zapping equal to the AutoZap Pro in 63 minutes. And it does 1000 cycles on just two AA batteries. We include an instructional DVD as well as full printed instructions for each zapper.
If you zap once a day, you will save over 350 hours per year with the AutoZap 5. Even if your time is worth only $1 per hour, it will pay for itself many times over in the first two years. It also is ideal for kids and families because it is so fast that kids: a) will use it regularly, and b) can share a single zapper because it can do 10-12 people in just one hour.
Add to that the power of the amazing new FreeCoil SuperZappicator (see the videos at the top of the SuperZappicator page) and you will understand why the AutoZap 5 Integrated Wellness System at $419 CAD is worth far more than we are asking for it. And it is designed to last 50 years of doing 25 cycles per day.
We are very proud of the new Wellness System and the super-fast AutoZap 5. It works so much faster and better, which is really what people and families are paying for – RESULTS for life, ease of use and expert support. And it works on food, teeth, the body and pets. See some of the reports at www.ZapperStories.com.
Comments welcome!
P.S. If after checking out the new AutoZap 5 Wellness System you still want an AutoZap Pro, I think I can find one in my shop. But I believe you would love and prefer the power, speed and simplicity of the Wellness System.