Question: I was doing some research on zappers. Almost all suppliers have testimonials that support their products. There is a confusing idea in almost all testimonials that I want to ask you about. People say that they are using the zapper for years and they are happy with it. If the zapper is effective, it should get rid of pathogens within days, so why should people continue to use it for years?
Answer: You can safely use the AutoZap 5 zapper every day, and plan to do so for the rest of your life. The reason we zap is that we want to remain healthy as long as possible, and keeping our immune system strong with the zapper is an excellent way to do that. Our advice to anybody who asks is, “Zap at least once a day for as long as you wish to remain healthy.”
Why do we need to zap daily? Because we are assaulted every day by parasites and their eggs, toxins in our food, toxins in our air and toxins in our water. Daily zapping is the simplest answer to these attacks. Best of all, with the super-fast AutoZap 5 Hulda Clark Zapper it only takes 5 minutes to zap, instead of the hour or more required by other zappers.
This video explains more.