Question: Will the Zapper cure my diabetes?
Answer: Thank you for your question on diabetes. You should begin by reading the post “Will the Zapper cure my disease?“.
Dr. Clark talks specifically about diabetes in her book “The Cure for All Diseases“, regarding parasites and solvents contributing to diabetes in humans. Read the excerpt from page 173 here.
“All diabetics have a common fluke parasite, Eurytrema pancreaticum, the pancreatic fluke of cattle, in their own pancreas. IT seems likely that we get it from cattle, repeatedly, by eating their meat or dairy products in a raw state. It is not hard to kill with a zapper but because of its infective stages in our food supply we can immediately be reinfected. Eurytrema will not settle and multiply in our pancreas without the presence of wood alcohol (methanol). Methanol pollution pervades our food supply – it is found in processed food including bottled water, artificial sweetener, soda pop, baby formula and powdered drinks of all kinds including health food varieties. I presume wood alcohol is used to wash equipment used in manufacturing. If your child has diabetes, use nothing out of a can, package or bottle except regular milk, and no processed foods. By killing this parasite and removing wood alcohol from the diet, the need for insulin can be cut in half in three weeks (or sooner!).
At we do not diagnose, treat or cure diseases. We provide information on the Hulda Clark protocol, to help those who are looking for information and want to follow it. We encourage you to consult with your health care professional, and also encourage you to make your personal decisions for your own health which is your right and privilege.
This answer applies to all diseases or conditions.
Our customer feedback and Zapper experiences are located at Please go to to get started immediately with the Hulda Clark protocol. To get yourself an AutoZap 5 Zapper please go to our site at Go to for Dr. Hulda Clark’s books and cleanse supplies.
We do offer limited nutritional help, so email Lyn for nutritional counseling and support at
The Best Zapper Team (
P.S. from Lyn
HEALTHY IS THE ONLY WAY TO LIVE! Diabetic or Pre-Diabetic? Diabetics are at a higher risk of all chronic diseases. Fruits and Vegetables reduce the risk of chronic disease. Diabetics need quality nutrition more than the average. Fruits and Vegetables in a capsule provide high quality nutrition without the sugar, that diabetics cannot have. Please email Lyn at for more information or to get started.