Hello, Well, my husband and I finally watched the DVD and used the AutoZap 5 for the first time last night. Impressive! We each did 5 minutes on the wrist and ankles and then each used the Zappicator on our abdomens as we both have been having stomach issues. A few questions please:
We both had a slight headache after using the device. Is that typical?
Both of us had significant stomach discomfort during the night – like there was gas build-up that could not be released!
Is that something you’ve heard of before?
Any suggestions?Thanks very much.
Yes, you may get cleansing/Herxheimer symptoms after zapping, especially at first. Please ensure that you are drinking enough (probably around 10 cups) water each day to help your body eliminate the debris.
Why are you using it on both your ankles and wrists? I use it only on my wrists, and hit button A to repeat as necessary if I think I need it.
Did you check your stools for parasites? We hear frequent reports of dead parasites seen the next day or two after zappicating the stomach.
God bless you,