I have borrelia (Lyme disease), so I want to zap it directly but I am pregnant… and on your website I found information about possibility of using the zapper during pregnancy. My understanding is that it may not be advisable to use it during pregnancy since there is no holder for the electrodes to zap only on the leg or arm. And, there is no specific frequency for each disease (I was surprised – I did not know that some zappers are like this). Also, my CD-ROM is not able to read the instructional CD because of the label on it.
What should I do with my zapper? After pregnancy, I will probably use my sister’s zapper. My sister uses a “zapper” with specific frequencies for various diseases.
Best regards
Dear P.,
After three months of pregnancy, the zapper is fine to use with wristbands the usual way. Many expectant mothers have used the AutoZap 5 with fantastic results. No adverse reactions at all have been reported, thanks to the inherently safe design and many unique safeguards built into the AutoZap 5 zapper itself.
Please see this page about how a zapper works: What Is a Dr. Hulda Clark Zapper? As you will notice there, Dr. Clark found that zapping was far easier and more effective than trying to kill various things by specific frequencies. It is far smarter to simply wake up your own amazing healing defenses (the white blood cells) than to try to find and kill things yourself. When the white blood cells do it, they also make antibodies which protect you in the future. And anything that says you have to tune it for a particular disease is not a zapper – it is a frequency generator, and requires a prior diagnosis before you can use it effectively. In fact, you should be careful with any such device to make sure that it meets Dr. Clark’s positive offset specification of 0.25 volts and safe voltage output, among other things.
Regarding specific frequencies and the Zapper, this video should address the question.
“Do I Need to Tune My Hulda Clark Zapper?”
You may also enjoy other videos in the Best Zapper FAQ Series:
Hulda Clark Living video channel
I have found that simple, regular zapping (5 or 10 minutes a day with the AutoZap 5 super-fast zapper) does a much better job for more people than any Rife or frequency machine I have heard of. And it does not require any diagnosis, because your immune system is very smart. When combined with the FreeCoil SuperZappicator it is a very versatile tool for a lifetime of health for you and your family. Have you used the SuperZappicator on your food, teeth or body yet?
Warm blessings!
P.S. We have shipped well over a thousand of our new labeled instructional DVDs, and nobody has ever reported harm to a DVD player or computer drive. However, if your computer does not have a DVD drive (the disc included with the Integrated Wellness System is a DVD, not a CD) you can find Zapper and Zappicator instructions here instead.
For a direct link to video instructions included with every Zapper and SuperZappicator, click here.