I have three very sick girls and my SuperZappicator is broken. We have to move the zappicator plug into different positions to get the green light to come on..Is this something I can fix myself if you send me a new one or tell me what part to buy?
If not, do I need to send the whole machine back to you?
Please advise.
Thank you.
Dear R.G.,
Please do NOT try to get the green light to come on with the SuperZappicator.
It is not supposed to come on while zappicating, as we explain in the instruction sheet as well as in the instructional DVD. The green SenseAlert LED ONLY lights in the red and yellow modes, when using the SuperStraps wristbands.
In fact, if you fiddle with the plug to get the green light on when zappicating, it shorts out the zapper signal and disables the SuperZappicator. Please simply plug it fully into the socket, and it will work just fine with the green SenseAlert light off.
Warm blessings!
The Best Zapper team