Question:  I was wondering if the Zapper can be used on me, because I have stanless steel rods and screws in my spine.  Actually, two 8 inch rods and 17 screws.  I am hoping to use the Zapper because I have chronic Lymes co-infections since a blood transfusion during that surgery in 2009.  I also have chronic pains that keep spreading everywhere and nerve damage.  I have tried everything in modern medicine to help.  Herbal remedies and a Zapper sound like my last resort.  I don’t expect to stop everything, but SOME relief would give me my life back.  Thank you.  DB

Answer: First of all, we are not medical professionals and cannot diagnose, prescribe or treat anything.  With that in mind, the good news is there’s no conflict between the zapper and rods/screws or even heart valves and pacemakers. Not only that, but we’ve had fantastic feedback from people with Lyme over the years.  See our post on Lyme here.

Lyme is different from nearly everything else – we’ve learned that it’s best to start very slowly, in some cases, only 2 minutes of the 5-minute Fast Zap, with a full day of rest afterward.  The main issue with Lyme seems to be the Herxheimer (cleansing) reaction and depending on the stages of Lyme, it can be triggered very easily.

While cleansing it’s vital to drink enough water to help flush out the toxins, and stay consistent when zapping.  If you can tolerate a 5-minute Fast Zap session, try it daily.  Listen to your body and if it needs a day with no zapping, don’t worry, simply resume when you are able.  Cleansing reactions don’t typically last long, usually a few days, possibly up to 2 weeks, at which point you should be able to use the Fast Zap cycle at least once daily.  Dr. Clark recommended zapping daily for at least 3 months if possible.  Pay attention to your sleep and see if it improves after the first 2 weeks.:)

We hope this helps.  If you have feedback regarding Lyme and co-infections we’d love to hear it.

The Best Zapper Team